Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Am I seeing things?  When I went on Emma Forrest's blog today she appears to have edited her original post titled 'Teach Your Children Well' with a shorter version of the post now entitled: Scent and Memory in regards to the writing of her book: Your Voice In My Head.  I read the original post - in fact I printed a copy off because I wanted to try out my new printer.  And after having read the post, I felt compelled to write my own post regarding Emma's original post regarding the writing of her book.


I was really interested to read the post; Teach Your Children Well as I wanted to find out why Emma Forrest had written a memoir, and well… I’m even more confused by Ms Forrest now than I ever was before?!

Let’s start at the beginning…
It is her stance not to name any of the anonymous figures in her book.  And she’s aware that it’s driving certain people mad.  

Oh dear… I’m sorry, but when someone makes such a statement as this - it’s very hard not to simply draw the logical conclusion that okay yes, this was someone who clearly ‘did’ set out with every intention of ‘driving certain people mad’.  

I’m not being biased against Ms Forrest herself, it’s something most people I believe would presume about anyone making such a statement.  If your intention is to make someone anonymous then you do just that; you change the obvious association for example what they look like, etc.  And surely, you would apply this form of discretion to all your ‘anonymous’ persons and not to one but not the other… wouldn‘t you?  And if you are ‘aware’ of something then you are conscious about it so therefore, you must be perceptive enough in understanding what the common response will be.

Next Emma appears to roll into a rather whimsy style manner of writing in order to indulge us with the significance of how she coupled ‘perfume’ and her memoir… of which I admittedly could not see the significance other than a imagining a woman waltzing around in a rather dream-like fantasy mist.

We then discover that she put pen to paper because she ‘felt lost’ without Dr R’s wisdom, and because she wanted to honour his memory.  And further more the title ‘Your Voice In My Head’ is a reference to his widow’s belief that she had ‘internalized’ Dr. R’s wisdom.  

Wow.. this is a pretty big pat on the back!  And I wondered if perhaps Ms Forrest had misinterpreted Dr R’s wife in some way?  Or, maybe she just took a very liberal view that she had somehow become Dr R’s favoured ‘shining example’ in terms of his work?  I then pondered as to whether she was Dr R’s ‘only’ client?  Coming back to my senses; I also gave thought to how Dr R’s other former clients now must feel - after having been informed that Ms Forrest was considered the only one to have ‘internalized’ his wisdom?

Thankfully, I could relate, and understand Emma wanting to express to Dr R’s widow that all the hard work and personal effort he put in with her as his client over the years had not been in vain.  And that his work and wisdom would continue to evoke her for the rest of her life.  

However, I couldn’t quite get my head around the fact that in her homage to Dr R she also appeared to be passing the entire responsibility of the very existence of this book solely on the shoulders of poor Dr R’s widow.  I’m probably reading far too much into it, but to me it almost seemed as if Ms Forrest was somehow trying to shift the emphasis in order to somehow excuse herself from any possible offence that may be caused in regards to some of the rather precarious content of the book.

Emma then goes onto reveal the ‘trove of documents’ etc that make up her medical history; this is probably about the only thing Ms Forrest and myself do have in common, and I even found myself wondering how interesting it might be to compare notes one day.

Onwards and interestingly, Emma seemingly puts all her ‘past’ erratic behaviour down to being ‘manic’ at the time.  How terribly convenient.

Moving on, and at last we are given the answer to a question we actually wanted to know about, which was were any of the men aware they were going to be in her book.  And the answer is yes… what a relief!  I particularly liked Mr Anonymous No.3 and his comment “I should remember us the way I remembered us and that he didn’t need to see it”.  

What a wise man I thought, but then thought perhaps he wasn’t so wise after all.  It’s not unlikely that this poor sod is probably horrified by the extent of detail which has been exploited through his attachment to a woman called Emma Forrest.  I doubt he will be so willing to attach himself in any way, shape or form to another ’writer’ for a very long time to come!  

Next Emma informs us of her self-disciplined number one rule: No writing about people’s kids.  And then immediately goes onto to reveal one of the men had a daughter whom he used against her, and another had a ‘kid’ that she almost considered a soul mate.  Er… is it just me, but has Emma not just broken her own rule?  

Again, no matter how hard one tries not to be too judgemental; it proves a difficult task.  Why say one thing, but do the exact opposite?  It‘s like she trying too hard.  The tone of her words read in such a deliberate way that the reader can do nothing else but make assumptions of the person she’s pretending not to tell you about.  It’s also becomes incredibly irritating, which then makes you think of her as being rather childish, and ultimately you end up thinking this woman is really quite narcissistic.  Can I really believe what she is telling me is true, or am I being led a merry dance?  

Towards the end of the piece Emma, once again makes reference to another author whom she likens herself to being seen on the same par with - this time Judith Moore.

And finally, we come to the end, which is perhaps the most revealing and honest Emma Forrest in my opinion has been so far in regards to this book.

Why publish it?
There’s the idea it may help people.  But, truthfully, the more I’ve turned the question over in my head, the more I have just one answer: because I’m a writer.

Well there we go then…

The ‘idea’ it may help people…
Doesn’t really matter if it does or it doesn’t as long as there is an idea that it might.  After all if you’re going to delve into a subject such a mental health the only person you should be responsible to… is of course yourself.

I have just one answer…
Indeed one answer because let’s face it is the only answer.

Because I’m a writer…
That’s right; I am in a position whereby I can write words, which will be published regardless of the reality of content.  

Maybe I’m being too harsh on Ms Forrest.  I am still undecided if I like Emma Forrest as a writer in general, and as a person I can’t say because I don’t know her.  However, I do know I am more than a little irked that she is being hailed as being ‘brave’ for having the guts to write about her mental health issues.  A lot of people have mental problems and struggle greatly to live on a daily basis.  I too have had mental issues, and I too have spent time in a psychiatric hospital, but I find it very difficult to relate to someone such as Emma Forrest.  I can’t help but get the impression here is a woman who seeks to openly court attention.  I feel as if she cannot function on a happy medium unless she is either wrapped up in a personal crisis, or attempting to cause deliberate controversy, particularly where her work is concerned.  I could go as far as saying personally; I feel she is someone who uses her mental instability as a prop in a rather self-centred and vain attempt to avoid being held accountable to herself, or anybody else.  

Her self-portrayed innocence and self-criticism I find almost tedious, and unbelievable coming from someone who has been privileged from the start, holds an enviable position and is striving to achieve what appears to be a yearning ambition to become ‘famous’.  I am in no way saying privileged people, people with position, or famous people don’t have problems just like the rest of us because they absolutely do.  However, they can at least access professional help from a variety of sources when it’s needed most  - should they wish too.  And for many of those who have done so a great many return back to their big mansions very grateful, learned through the experience and go on to try and live an improved life.  However, a lot of us mere mortals unfortunately have problems actually getting the help; it’s out there but we can’t access it when WE need it the most.  So we end up on a waiting list and in the long meantime, are left to deal with our problems very much on our own.  

So when someone like Ms Forrest starts writing about her past and present ‘struggle’ with life, but who continues to pursue the limelight, and indeed relish in it; by being present at any award ceremony where a lot of famous are bound to be, by romantically always trying to be linked to an ex-boyfriend who was famous, or being linked to a possibly about to be famous new boyfriend, or being praised by selective literary peers for basically writing about anything to do with famous people… Well then no - I’m sorry, I just don’t feel the need to read a book cataloguing all of the above.  

So am I jealous of her?  Of course I am, wouldn’t we all like to be in Emma’s position?  Are you kidding me!  No, it’s not jealously, its logical sense; we don’t have anything in common other than having in depth medical records and spending time in a mental hospital.  It’s fair to say I might have been interested in reading about how she stopped herself from self-harming, and dealt/deals with depressive episodes etc.  And I’m sure I might have been interested to read about Dr R and his obvious dedication to his work and client.  But strangely, I don’t want to read about the ins and outs, and name dropping, yet not name dropping of some woman’s past romantic liaisons.  Nor do I want to read about overexcited silly and childish behaviour that probably serves no purpose other than providing your girlfriends with a giggle.  From the excerpts I’ve read so far; sadly, I don’t believe this book has been truly written in a befitting homage to Dr R, but if it has, then it greatly seems to have lost its way through the process, and instead has turned into a ‘kiss and tell’ format about one woman’s fight for notoriety.
Maybe I do owe it to myself to read all the book…  just to see if I’m wrong?

Nah, I'll just write my own book!


  1. Gemini,congraulations!Kinga

  2. I reaaly liked your coments, gemini. Very insightfull. EF always does that. Write and then repent and delete. That is why i copy paste everything as soon as I see it. I thought the bit about the kids were outrageous. And she has written about the little girl. She said she ate a bug from her nose to bond with her. Yes, she wrote it. Yes, I know!
    Anyway. I hope people forget about it soon.

  3. Gemini! If you had a clap button, I would give you a jumping ovation. Exactly. I noticed she edited her blog post also. She made some ridiculous claims. One of which, that she's linked to several men on the internet. Not so much.

    I have a prediction. If she does have the "reams and reams" of love letters from Colin, she'll have those published to release just in time for the high profile promotion of Total Recall. Another Nicole Narin.


  4. Well stated, Gemini.

  5. Gemini, did you see the bit on Lainey gossip. I've always thought Lainey was an idiot. You should check it out. I don't know anyone who has ever heard of Lainey or Emma fucking Forrest for that matter maybe it won't matter. That said, I hope karma gets Emma's arse sooner rather than later. I'd hate to miss it. Ugh. She makes me sick.


  6. Please write a book Gemini! I would buy it.

  7. Hi Iz,

    Yes I saw the glowing piece from Lainey Gossip, it strikes me as odd that everyone who 'loves' this book are mostly person's linked to the media world in some way :-/

    I wonder why they find such a revealing book so wonderful that they feel the need to 'promote' ... sorry I mean 'sing its praises' from the roof tops? ;)


    My new book called 'Your Lies In My Head' will be out very soon! :)) lmao

  8. Your Lies In My Head. Classic.

    I think Lainey might be one of her journalist pals. I can't think of another reason anyone would jump to believe her based on the excerpt.


  9. I have never read anything by Emma except her blog and somehow you confirm my intuitions here.
    Any serious writer should know the power the words have and she apparently doesn't. In one of her posts (August 2009)
    she relates a story of some Polish journalists who put words into her mouth, and she comments that "having words put in my mouth is probably one of the least bad things that’s ever happened to a Jew in Poland". She was trying to be witty, but it was such a derailed witticism.... I have taken classes in writing once, too, and to my mind the reference is unclear as it takes us in the wrong direction.A good writer does not write in such a way. She was trying to scorn the Polish "tabloid hyaenas" by making a reference to the holocaust. Highly improper for reasons which should be obvious to everyone. I am Polish and I think this is especially offensive to Poles. I have wondered why a person who is apparently a recognised writer would make such thick-skinned comments about history without having second thoughts (or editing, for that matter). My only conclusion was that she is not yet in the league of writers she aspires to. I wish her well, but I was also surprised to see a picture of herself she inserted in some other post, in which she proudly presented her hardly covered breasts in the foreground, from a very flattering angle. Well, this is a thing poorly educated Polish teenagers do on all sorts of social networks to attract boys' attention. If Emma is an intellectual, she must think harder than that, because if I wanted to watch somebody's boobs, I would turn to porn sites, not to writers' blogs. It was not an artistic photo, honestly.
    Finally, it is such a sad truth of our postmodernist times that no pedestal will be set up for a writer unles they proudly announce how profound their souls are, preferably by mutilating themselves. I am older than Emma, I have been through more that she has, but I do not choose such easy paths to recognition. I haven't read her books, maybe she has a potential, I don't know. But I can see signs of her immaturity around.

  10. January 15, 2011 7:24 PM

    Thank you for your post. For what it’s worth here is my opinion.

    “Any serious writer should know the power the words have and she apparently doesn't. In one of her posts (August 2009) she relates a story of some Polish journalists who put words into her mouth, and she comments that "having words put in my mouth is probably one of the least bad things that’s ever happened to a Jew in Poland". She was trying to be witty, but it was such a derailed witticism.... “

    “I have wondered why a person who is apparently a recognised writer would make such thick-skinned comments about history without having second thoughts… “

    The post you are referring too has unfortunately, now been removed by Ms Forrest. For some reason she has decided to remove part of her blog archive for motives be-known only to herself. It is unusual for her ‘edit’ posts… and is usually in order to remove content she has later decided she is not happy with. Which is not particularly reassuring coming from a writer!

    However, the ‘remark’ you read in her post dated Aug 2009 aptly appears to be her style, and so no, she probably did not have the prudence to ‘think’ about any possible offence such a comment may have caused another. Ms Forrest likes to attract people to her Jewish roots, and enjoys playing up to her audience by making out being Jewish somehow gives you a certain observational quality that no-one else has. For example… in terms of ‘satire’ humour. She’s knows anyone who challenges such humour regarding anything remotely connected to her being Jewish - she can strike back with the old prejudice card! It is indeed strange that a writer would make such ‘thick-skinned’ comments, but then Ms Forrest delights, and aims to cause controversy; the more risky the material, the better the publicity, and the more her name is circulated. It is also strange coming from one who plays up to her mental health issues as, and when it suits, and who is happy to be considered a complex mess and a naively delicate woman. You would think such a person, let alone a writer would be more consciously aware of not wanting to upset people from a different country?

    “I was also surprised to see a picture of herself she inserted in some other post, in which she proudly presented her hardly covered breasts in the foreground, from a very flattering angle. Well, this is a thing poorly educated Polish teenagers do on all sorts of social networks to attract boys' attention. If Emma is an intellectual, she must think harder than that, because if I wanted to watch somebody's boobs, I would turn to porn sites, not to writers' blogs. It was not an artistic photo, honestly”.

    It’s hard for me judge, as I have not seen the post, but perhaps it was one of her ‘manic’ moments… which she likes to blame whenever she has had said, or done something distasteful, or regrets! Maybe, she was trying to convey an abstract message by portraying herself by image? In reality it is more likely she was merely trying to be arty, or perhaps seductive to whomever the post was ‘actually’ intended for. A lot of things Ms Forrest posts are cleverly crafted, and not always meant ‘just’ for her fans.

    Ms Forrest is a good writer… if you like reading about her, or people like her, who are complex and disorderly characters, sexually perplexed, and of course seek association to the darlings of the celebrity world. At times she is not an easy to find respect for… her blatant exposure of herself (wittingly), but to others (regardless) does not always sit easy with the reader. But she is a writer with talent otherwise she would not have lasted this long, and as her audience matures so one day will she.
