Saturday, January 15, 2011


On Ms Forrest’s blog I’ve noticed her ‘post archive’ only dates back November 2008.  I was sure she was a blogger a long time before this?  Can someone please let me know.  And if she was writing her blog before this date; Why has she removed her old posts?

Interestingly, I’ve also noticed Emma is posting on a daily basis at the moment something she doesn’t normally do, but hey when you’ve got a book to promote I guess you need to be seen regularly up-dating your blog.  Otherwise… all those new potential fans might not continue to visit?!

I particularly found today’s post futile, whereby Emma was clearly horrified by the photo the ‘Daily Mail’ had published.  So much so, she felt the need to explain why the photo was not to her liking... sorry was ’painful’ to see, as only Ms Forrest can… by once again blaming it on her mental state at the time! 

"That was the absolute worst time of my life and it's all there in my face and posture. I was so bulimic, that was really all I did, seven times a day. I'd started to get a rash on my right hand from sticking it down my throat. I'd hacked off all my hair because I was trying not to cut".

The only difference in these two photos are...
Ms Forrest has long-hair in the first one, and short-hair minus CF in the second. (PHOTOS FROM THE 'DAILY MAIL')

Clearly, there is no end to this woman’s vanity, either within the psychological sense or indeed now her physical state.  

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Am I seeing things?  When I went on Emma Forrest's blog today she appears to have edited her original post titled 'Teach Your Children Well' with a shorter version of the post now entitled: Scent and Memory in regards to the writing of her book: Your Voice In My Head.  I read the original post - in fact I printed a copy off because I wanted to try out my new printer.  And after having read the post, I felt compelled to write my own post regarding Emma's original post regarding the writing of her book.


I was really interested to read the post; Teach Your Children Well as I wanted to find out why Emma Forrest had written a memoir, and well… I’m even more confused by Ms Forrest now than I ever was before?!

Let’s start at the beginning…
It is her stance not to name any of the anonymous figures in her book.  And she’s aware that it’s driving certain people mad.  

Oh dear… I’m sorry, but when someone makes such a statement as this - it’s very hard not to simply draw the logical conclusion that okay yes, this was someone who clearly ‘did’ set out with every intention of ‘driving certain people mad’.  

I’m not being biased against Ms Forrest herself, it’s something most people I believe would presume about anyone making such a statement.  If your intention is to make someone anonymous then you do just that; you change the obvious association for example what they look like, etc.  And surely, you would apply this form of discretion to all your ‘anonymous’ persons and not to one but not the other… wouldn‘t you?  And if you are ‘aware’ of something then you are conscious about it so therefore, you must be perceptive enough in understanding what the common response will be.

Next Emma appears to roll into a rather whimsy style manner of writing in order to indulge us with the significance of how she coupled ‘perfume’ and her memoir… of which I admittedly could not see the significance other than a imagining a woman waltzing around in a rather dream-like fantasy mist.

We then discover that she put pen to paper because she ‘felt lost’ without Dr R’s wisdom, and because she wanted to honour his memory.  And further more the title ‘Your Voice In My Head’ is a reference to his widow’s belief that she had ‘internalized’ Dr. R’s wisdom.  

Wow.. this is a pretty big pat on the back!  And I wondered if perhaps Ms Forrest had misinterpreted Dr R’s wife in some way?  Or, maybe she just took a very liberal view that she had somehow become Dr R’s favoured ‘shining example’ in terms of his work?  I then pondered as to whether she was Dr R’s ‘only’ client?  Coming back to my senses; I also gave thought to how Dr R’s other former clients now must feel - after having been informed that Ms Forrest was considered the only one to have ‘internalized’ his wisdom?

Thankfully, I could relate, and understand Emma wanting to express to Dr R’s widow that all the hard work and personal effort he put in with her as his client over the years had not been in vain.  And that his work and wisdom would continue to evoke her for the rest of her life.  

However, I couldn’t quite get my head around the fact that in her homage to Dr R she also appeared to be passing the entire responsibility of the very existence of this book solely on the shoulders of poor Dr R’s widow.  I’m probably reading far too much into it, but to me it almost seemed as if Ms Forrest was somehow trying to shift the emphasis in order to somehow excuse herself from any possible offence that may be caused in regards to some of the rather precarious content of the book.

Emma then goes onto reveal the ‘trove of documents’ etc that make up her medical history; this is probably about the only thing Ms Forrest and myself do have in common, and I even found myself wondering how interesting it might be to compare notes one day.

Onwards and interestingly, Emma seemingly puts all her ‘past’ erratic behaviour down to being ‘manic’ at the time.  How terribly convenient.

Moving on, and at last we are given the answer to a question we actually wanted to know about, which was were any of the men aware they were going to be in her book.  And the answer is yes… what a relief!  I particularly liked Mr Anonymous No.3 and his comment “I should remember us the way I remembered us and that he didn’t need to see it”.  

What a wise man I thought, but then thought perhaps he wasn’t so wise after all.  It’s not unlikely that this poor sod is probably horrified by the extent of detail which has been exploited through his attachment to a woman called Emma Forrest.  I doubt he will be so willing to attach himself in any way, shape or form to another ’writer’ for a very long time to come!  

Next Emma informs us of her self-disciplined number one rule: No writing about people’s kids.  And then immediately goes onto to reveal one of the men had a daughter whom he used against her, and another had a ‘kid’ that she almost considered a soul mate.  Er… is it just me, but has Emma not just broken her own rule?  

Again, no matter how hard one tries not to be too judgemental; it proves a difficult task.  Why say one thing, but do the exact opposite?  It‘s like she trying too hard.  The tone of her words read in such a deliberate way that the reader can do nothing else but make assumptions of the person she’s pretending not to tell you about.  It’s also becomes incredibly irritating, which then makes you think of her as being rather childish, and ultimately you end up thinking this woman is really quite narcissistic.  Can I really believe what she is telling me is true, or am I being led a merry dance?  

Towards the end of the piece Emma, once again makes reference to another author whom she likens herself to being seen on the same par with - this time Judith Moore.

And finally, we come to the end, which is perhaps the most revealing and honest Emma Forrest in my opinion has been so far in regards to this book.

Why publish it?
There’s the idea it may help people.  But, truthfully, the more I’ve turned the question over in my head, the more I have just one answer: because I’m a writer.

Well there we go then…

The ‘idea’ it may help people…
Doesn’t really matter if it does or it doesn’t as long as there is an idea that it might.  After all if you’re going to delve into a subject such a mental health the only person you should be responsible to… is of course yourself.

I have just one answer…
Indeed one answer because let’s face it is the only answer.

Because I’m a writer…
That’s right; I am in a position whereby I can write words, which will be published regardless of the reality of content.  

Maybe I’m being too harsh on Ms Forrest.  I am still undecided if I like Emma Forrest as a writer in general, and as a person I can’t say because I don’t know her.  However, I do know I am more than a little irked that she is being hailed as being ‘brave’ for having the guts to write about her mental health issues.  A lot of people have mental problems and struggle greatly to live on a daily basis.  I too have had mental issues, and I too have spent time in a psychiatric hospital, but I find it very difficult to relate to someone such as Emma Forrest.  I can’t help but get the impression here is a woman who seeks to openly court attention.  I feel as if she cannot function on a happy medium unless she is either wrapped up in a personal crisis, or attempting to cause deliberate controversy, particularly where her work is concerned.  I could go as far as saying personally; I feel she is someone who uses her mental instability as a prop in a rather self-centred and vain attempt to avoid being held accountable to herself, or anybody else.  

Her self-portrayed innocence and self-criticism I find almost tedious, and unbelievable coming from someone who has been privileged from the start, holds an enviable position and is striving to achieve what appears to be a yearning ambition to become ‘famous’.  I am in no way saying privileged people, people with position, or famous people don’t have problems just like the rest of us because they absolutely do.  However, they can at least access professional help from a variety of sources when it’s needed most  - should they wish too.  And for many of those who have done so a great many return back to their big mansions very grateful, learned through the experience and go on to try and live an improved life.  However, a lot of us mere mortals unfortunately have problems actually getting the help; it’s out there but we can’t access it when WE need it the most.  So we end up on a waiting list and in the long meantime, are left to deal with our problems very much on our own.  

So when someone like Ms Forrest starts writing about her past and present ‘struggle’ with life, but who continues to pursue the limelight, and indeed relish in it; by being present at any award ceremony where a lot of famous are bound to be, by romantically always trying to be linked to an ex-boyfriend who was famous, or being linked to a possibly about to be famous new boyfriend, or being praised by selective literary peers for basically writing about anything to do with famous people… Well then no - I’m sorry, I just don’t feel the need to read a book cataloguing all of the above.  

So am I jealous of her?  Of course I am, wouldn’t we all like to be in Emma’s position?  Are you kidding me!  No, it’s not jealously, its logical sense; we don’t have anything in common other than having in depth medical records and spending time in a mental hospital.  It’s fair to say I might have been interested in reading about how she stopped herself from self-harming, and dealt/deals with depressive episodes etc.  And I’m sure I might have been interested to read about Dr R and his obvious dedication to his work and client.  But strangely, I don’t want to read about the ins and outs, and name dropping, yet not name dropping of some woman’s past romantic liaisons.  Nor do I want to read about overexcited silly and childish behaviour that probably serves no purpose other than providing your girlfriends with a giggle.  From the excerpts I’ve read so far; sadly, I don’t believe this book has been truly written in a befitting homage to Dr R, but if it has, then it greatly seems to have lost its way through the process, and instead has turned into a ‘kiss and tell’ format about one woman’s fight for notoriety.
Maybe I do owe it to myself to read all the book…  just to see if I’m wrong?

Nah, I'll just write my own book!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


FROM WHAT I READ: The book appears to offer a seemingly intimate account of the way Emma‘s life has been influenced and shaped.  The flavoured words are potently and skilfully written to reveal the confused child within, the vulnerability of an adolescent into womanhood, concluding with decisive disclosures from all those lessons learned. 

As a writer it is important that one delivers and rewards their faithful followers, as well as being equally appealing to any probable ’new’ readers that such a ‘raw’ publicised book is bound to attract.  Emma has not let herself down; she has given a possible theory of insight into the ‘personal’ behaviour of a person whom she once dated - who happened to be famous.  It’s an action perhaps most of us would like to have been in a position to do regarding an ex, but also perhaps would ultimately choose not too.   At the end of the day Emma Forrest clearly felt justified that such revelations were deemed necessary to elucidate her own circumstance, and from a legal point of view must clearly be deemed acceptable to convey to a vast audience.  No harm done then?  I hope not.  

My own personal opinion of Ms Forrest has ‘wavered’ and indeed warmed slightly in terms of trying to deal with very personal issues such as the helplessness of self-harming, recognising, admitting and living with mental instability, and the self-deflagration that can come from widespread criticism.  I can, and do emphasize with her, particularly in regards to living with mental health issues.  And maybe she can bring some form of comfort to those who also suffer from a similar disposition… I hope so.

So am I being ‘unreasonable’ now, after all I publish a blog about a famous person?  Well, no I don’t think I am, writing a blog is not the same as writing about your personal experience of a time you spent with a famous person.  On this blog we can only assume, and give our opinions relating to that famous person in question; it’s not verified by an official, or by a personal attachment present or past.  I can only relay what is already out there in the public arena and circling the net… in other words I can ‘repeat‘ the stories already published and we can debate til the cows come home what those stories may or may not mean. 

Without a doubt this book will prove an interesting read for many, and I’m guessing for many different reasons.  I’m just not sure that as an individual, I am comfortable in reading about the exploitation of somebody’s past romantic relationships… no matter how cowardly or insensitive the person ‘may’ have been. 

Friday, December 31, 2010


As another New Year approaches so too does the opportunity to make some New Year resolutions:  
My 2011 New Year Resolutions

Yes, the good old favourite and next year, it’s definitely my number one on the list.  I’ve been lucky up until now as in I’ve never particularly struggled with maintaining my weight.  So it’s come as somewhat of a shock to discover that I AM now ‘struggling’ to shift some rather nasty extra weight, which has sneakily, crept upon me.  

I initially put it down to being bed bound with my illness for so much of this year, which in my defence certainly hasn’t helped.  However, recently I have also been diagnosed with a ‘thyroid’ problem, which is totally not what I needed to hear; the two combined will not make the job of keeping excess weight off easy.  Nevertheless, I know I’ve got to make a real concerted effort otherwise it’s going to start affecting my self-confidence as a woman, and as a Gemini, I simply cannot allow that to happen ; - )

So I’ve already made a start and got myself… wait for it… a leotard!  I know, I can hardly believe it myself.  I feel like I’m 10 years old again when I used to jump around the living room pretending I was one the high school kids from Fame.  But I’m really hoping that by humiliating myself into squeezing into an unforgiving leotard, which makes me look like a decorated ‘Easter egg’ on legs that this will somehow provide me with the motivation I need.  I will become a fit person again, exercise and watching my diet will release me from the rolls of fat that now engulf my body, and I will one day wear a leotard without mortification!

And it doesn’t stop there, oh no, I’ve also got a mini trampolette so you can imagine the scene; lumpy woman in ballet leotard jumping up and down on a mini trampoline - it’s not a pretty sight!  No matter it’s something I will have to endure in the pursuit of personal happiness, and I’m determined to give it a go… how long I’ll last is anybody’s guess.  I’ll let you know how I get on.

Cut down on alcohol.  In other words; replace bottle of wine with glass of wine.  Think calories fatty!  (only possible side-effect… insanity)

Cut down on smoking, and continue smoking a cheaper brand.  So far this has not deterred me from smoking the same amount but it has made the act of smoking far less pleasurable.  Unfortunately, giving up smoking completely I fear is not an option for me - as it would kill me!

4. SEX:
Have a lot more sex because I can think of no good enough reason not too :D  COLIN FARRELL PLEASE WALK THIS WAY xxx

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I’ve noticed during some of the interviews Colin’s been doing lately, that he appears to be under the impression that he’s no longer of any interest to the media, and indeed he appears to have clearly welcomed this new found ‘non-crazed’ anonymity.  Along with the apparent much sought after normality he is now able to actively live his life.  So I’m a little confused as to why he is suddenly considering to do another Hollywood blockbuster movie such as “Total Recall”? 

Since steering away from the big budget films, he has involved himself in more independent films such as “In Bruges”, “Triage“, and “Ondine” etc, which has definitely defined him amongst his peers as being classed as a talented actor of  ‘substance’.   

I wonder if the film “London Boulevard” was intended as a launching pad as in terms of seeing how the public would respond to him in a more main-stream type movie again?  And so far, the public are indeed liking Colin Farrell, the actor whom they'd almost forgotten about.  And so now the temptation of Hollywood has come calling, and the prospect of an even bigger movie has been offered. 

But why would he really want to go through all that Hollywood hype again.  Surely, such a move will rob him of the sacred privacy he has since established for himself?  

Does he really feel making Hollywood blockbuster films is the way to success?  Does he really need to involve himelf again, in order to feel worthy as an actor?  

Or, is it a case of simple vanity?  I am not saying this is a bad thing, after all, we all like to be flattered.  But I am baffled as to why someone who has worked so hard both professionally, and personally to find a level of balance in their life would now consider putting themselves right back into a pressurised arena of a multi-million dollar industry whose only real interest is in ticket sales: and when those tickets don’t sell... it can lead to some very dire consequences.

Maybe, Colin Farrell has decided he is older, and wiser, and sober, and has the scars and greying hair to prove it.  So perhaps, he generally feels this is the right time in his life to face such a challenge?  Could it be possible he is deliberately testing himself?  Or, is it an actor thing: I must have an Oscar to prove to myself and to the world: YES, I AM THE BEST! ; - ) LOL

PS. Would be very interested in your comments on this as CF fans x

Saturday, October 30, 2010


So where have I been and why?  Well in truth one of the reasons I was ever able to begin this blog was due to my physical health not functioning as it should, which basically resulted in me being unfit to work.  This in turn left me with a lot of time on my hands and not a lot to occupy my mind of any interest (an absolute no-no for any self-respecting Gemini!).  So I came to the conclusion that just because my body wasn’t working as it ought too, surely I should at least try and keep my brain cells stimulated and why not with something that I actually found interesting and so voila… the Colin Farrell Web-Blog was born. 

And my decision appeared to be working out far better than I could have hoped for.  I felt involved in something creative and good, and the response from you guys was absolutely amazing (massive thanks), and I definitely felt ‘useful’ again. But alas what I hadn’t realised was that my fatigued body was unfortunately having much more of a detrimental effect on my mental stability than I was prepared to admit: Distraction is wonderful way of avoiding ones own shit going on, is it not?  That is of course until you have no choice - cue: Total Meltdown! 

I fell with great speed into the bottomless pit and it was a dark place and I appeared to want to stay there for some time.  Partly because when you’re in such a hole there is something dangerously fascinating in just doing nothing in order to almost invite the deepest depths of despair just to see how much you can take.  It’s not the safest mindset to be in, but some people like me have to do these things if we’re to ever make any real sense of who and why we are like we are.  Or, maybe it’s just a wicked curse of being a Gemini!  Whatever the reason it’s where I went and a journey I needed to take, and very luckily for me I came back.  So… now what? 

Okay, here goes: Before my temporary albeit rather lengthy absence I was actually beginning to get ‘turned off’ by Colin Farrell.  Shock, horror, pick yourself off the floor and cover your mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!  I know, I’m sorry but it’s the truth.  I began to struggle with exactly who or what he was trying to be anymore.

Was he trying to be Mr. Pretentious: No I will not smile for the camera unless I am at my premiere, or being paid a lot of money to. 

Or, was he trying to be Mr. Elusive: No I will not admit I have a life outside the of making this film that I am here to promote despite the fact the leading actress happens to be my (then) girlfriend and she’s pregnant. 

Or, was he always Mr. Hollywood: A succession of not so well received big films results in submissive hints that he is done with making another Hollywood blockbuster.  Fast forward a few critically well received small films later and we’re now being given the strong hinted impression that actually he is, and always has been open to the call of doing another Hollywood blockbuster?!

And well for me, I just couldn’t keep up with the guy.

I, like you, began following his career because I believed he was a great up and coming actor with huge potential whom I believed was gonna go all the way, and he did.  And as with so many young Hollywood stars (and indeed non-famous people like us) he jumped in with both feet, threw caution to the wind and burnt the candle at both ends until he finally found himself stuck in the middle with one of two options: clean up or go under.  Thankfully, the guy wanted and intended to stick around and this kind of attitude went on to fuel my admiration to even greater heights. So I happily continued to enjoy such maturing talent and happily recommend his films to all those I came into contact with.  I absolutely enjoyed my womanly fantasies whilst watching the man on the big screen and even wilder womanly fantasies whilst watching the man on my nice big television set in the privacy of my own home! 

So it’s during these early days, naturally as a fan I found myself experiencing a growing need to follow his private life, which let’s face it wasn‘t hard being as he was splashed all over tabloids every day.  Now I wonder: were the media everywhere Colin was by sheer coincidence, or by sheer agent power promotion?  Umm……… Oh well, no matter because it worked.  And I liked the Irishman Colin Farrell who openly courted and jested with the media and the fans alike, an actor who for once appeared to be generally approachable, and a guy who seemingly did not want to fall prey into taking himself too seriously.  And then something happened.  Slowly, but surely we began to witness someone who had no desire to court or be courted let alone jest with the media and fans alike, an established actor who now became generally un-approachable, and a man who seemingly now had fallen prey in taking himself rather seriously. 

Yes, I know people don’t stay the same forever, and we all have to grow up one day, but I just never expected such a ‘very sombre’ change. I mean where did Colin Farrell go?  Did giving up drink and drugs mean giving up his personality too?  And well, dare I say it but yes I will… he was beginning to bore me! 

Okay rant over and time for confession: A few weeks ago I found myself watching In Bruges, and suddenly my candle was reignited.  Shame on me for forgetting just what a great actor he was and is, and who am I to judge whether he should be as entertaining to me off camera as he is on?  It’s now clear to me that I had allowed myself to become engulfed in some righteous deluded Colin Farrell fan fever… maybe it was all the tablets I was on, or is that just some feeble excuse?!  Anyway the good news is I’m a born again Colin Farrell fan only this time I am taking less tablets, am perhaps a little saner in mind, and hopefully a lot more positive in spirit, which is why I knew I had to return to my blog and I really hope you will ALL join me again too XXX