My 2011 New Year Resolutions
Yes, the good old favourite and next year, it’s definitely my number one on the list. I’ve been lucky up until now as in I’ve never particularly struggled with maintaining my weight. So it’s come as somewhat of a shock to discover that I AM now ‘struggling’ to shift some rather nasty extra weight, which has sneakily, crept upon me.
I initially put it down to being bed bound with my illness for so much of this year, which in my defence certainly hasn’t helped. However, recently I have also been diagnosed with a ‘thyroid’ problem, which is totally not what I needed to hear; the two combined will not make the job of keeping excess weight off easy. Nevertheless, I know I’ve got to make a real concerted effort otherwise it’s going to start affecting my self-confidence as a woman, and as a Gemini, I simply cannot allow that to happen ; - )
So I’ve already made a start and got myself… wait for it… a leotard! I know, I can hardly believe it myself. I feel like I’m 10 years old again when I used to jump around the living room pretending I was one the high school kids from Fame. But I’m really hoping that by humiliating myself into squeezing into an unforgiving leotard, which makes me look like a decorated ‘Easter egg’ on legs that this will somehow provide me with the motivation I need. I will become a fit person again, exercise and watching my diet will release me from the rolls of fat that now engulf my body, and I will one day wear a leotard without mortification!
And it doesn’t stop there, oh no, I’ve also got a mini trampolette so you can imagine the scene; lumpy woman in ballet leotard jumping up and down on a mini trampoline - it’s not a pretty sight! No matter it’s something I will have to endure in the pursuit of personal happiness, and I’m determined to give it a go… how long I’ll last is anybody’s guess. I’ll let you know how I get on.
Cut down on alcohol. In other words; replace bottle of wine with glass of wine. Think calories fatty! (only possible side-effect… insanity)
Cut down on smoking, and continue smoking a cheaper brand. So far this has not deterred me from smoking the same amount but it has made the act of smoking far less pleasurable. Unfortunately, giving up smoking completely I fear is not an option for me - as it would kill me!
4. SEX:
Have a lot more sex because I can think of no good enough reason not too :D COLIN FARRELL PLEASE WALK THIS WAY xxx
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